Kit: EliGene® HSV1/HSV2/VZV Kit (Ref: 90072)
Package size:
50 reactions
Analytical specificity: Herpes virus 1 and 2, Varicella zoster virus
Analytical sensitivity: 10 copies of viral DNA in the amplified sample
Specimens: CSF, biopsy, swabs (skin, mucosa), blood
Compatible instruments:
ABI 7500 FAST (Applied Biosystems), LightCycler® 480  (ROCHE); MyGo Pro (IT-IS Life Science); SmartCycler, Q-Gene instruments with five/six channels; BioRad CFX96® cycler
CE certification: Coming soon (in 2017)
Detected DNA region: genome (US4 gene)
Detection technology: TaqMan probes labelled with FAM, HEX, ROX and Cy5
fluorescence dyes
Clinical study description and results:
Coming soon
Pathogen description:
Herpesvirus is enveloped DNA virus. To date, at least eight different herpesvirus species are known to infect man.
A primary HSV1 infection typically occurs during the childhood. The primary infection goes often through symptomless. The HSV1 infection can manifest as an un-differentiation catarrh of respiratory system of adults or older children. The infection of the conjunctiva and cornea manifests as keratoconjunctivitis.
HSV2 causes genital herpes, characterized by sores in the area of the genitalia. Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease. The main symptoms are herpes ulcers in glans penis in men. Lesions in woman are localized in cervix, vagina or perianal area. The activation of the latent infection can produce asymptomatic releasing of virus in cervical secret. HSV2 can cause infection of the brain (encephalitis) in the case of severely defective or compromised immune system.
VZV is a double stranded DNA virus of the Herpes group. VZV infection can have two different manifestations of the disease - chickenpox or shingles. The manifestations include rash, low grade fever and malaise. Varicella may rarely result in complications including VZV encephalitis or pneumonia. VZV is certainly transmissible through the airborne route and does not require close personal contact. The skin lesions are certainly full of infectious virus particles. After an incubation period of 14 days, the virus arrives at its main target organ, the skin. The virus can survive in the human body in the latent form for a long time.
Bannister BA, Begg NT, Gillespie SH. 2000. Infectious Disease. Blackwell Science, 2th Ed.

Dwyer DE, Cunningham AL. 2002. Herpes simplex and varicella-zoster virus infections. Med J Aust. 177(5):267-73.

Hlinomazová Z, Loukotová V, Horáčková M, Serý O. 2010. The treatment of HSV1 ocular infections using quantitative real-time PCR results. Acta Ophthalmol. 10: 1755-3768.